
Online Course: Line, Projection & Intention

Thursday, October 15th
6:00 – 7:30pm 
Jenny Miller, Dr. Alexandra Baybutt

Jenny as a voice specialist and Alexandra as a Laban/Bartenieff practitioner explore how a singer creates line, projects sound, and conveys intention with breath and body-shaping. We will look at the body/mind response to narrative – how do we captivate our audience with the story we want to tell and how do we tell it expressively?

On our courses expect to:

  • Find exercises to balance your breath, sound, and sense of personal resonance
  • Develop ways to tune into the space around you, which help you produce your optimum sound
  • Find exercises to free your sense of your body in space and action

PLEASE NOTE:  We only offer refunds for these classes in exceptional circumstances

***Discount is available for a bundle of 5 courses: £50***
5 Courses Bundle available here

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