
Artists Session Live: Theatre Nation – Tree in Bloom

4 pm Saturday 19th September 
St Leonards

Hasting’s own Theatre Nation is run by Patrick Kealey. His company and Bloom Britannia are linked by the wonderfully versatile Patrick, who appears in our production as Apple Jonny, the down and out who crops up all over the place during the opera.

Before the madness happened, his Company was due to start a tour of Samuel Becket’s masterpiece, “Waiting For Godot”. Theatre Nation had commissioned the well-loved local sculptor, Leigh Dyer, to forge the iconic tree for the set of the play.  It is a thing of beauty. And it’s not been seen by anyone!

A short, COVID secure, socially distanced performance, featuring a small choir of Bloomers, a tree, and… a special guest. 

Tickets must be reserved in groups of no more than 6.
There will be a maximum audience of 30.

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